When is worship?
Worship at Zion is at 5:30pm pm Saturdays and at 9:30am Sunday mornings. Worship lasts about an hour. Saturday's liturgy is spoken and Sunday's liturgy is sung (although due to precautions from Covid-19, there is no singing).
Do you have Sunday school?
There is an education time for both children and adults that meets from Sunday from 9:00-9:45 am. Children meet in the social hall and adults meet in the Chapman room.
Where are the rest rooms?
There are four rest room facilities. Two small ones are on the lower level below the back of the sanctuary. There are also larger facilities near the Chapman Room.
Please feel free to ask the ushers for directions.
Where do I park?
Zion has a small parking lot, but you most likely will have to park along the streets. You do not have to feed the meters on Sundays. Our parking lot has a few handicap parking spots.
How do I get into the Zion parking lot?
There are two ways to enter Zion’s Parking Lot
1. Traveling west on Church Street, turn left on Carpenter Avenue (alleyway at Greystone Presbyterian Church) then turn left just after the yellow poles and drive straight past the Greystone parking areas, into the Zion parking area.
2. Alternatively, when traveling East on Philadelphia Street, turn right on Carpenter Avenue at the Coney Restaurant, cross Gompers Ave and Church Street, then turn left just after the yellow poles and drive straight past the Greystone parking areas, into the Zion parking area.
Do Not use School Street, as this would have you going thru actual Greystone parking areas, which are not part of the “private alley” access that has been agreed upon.
Is Zion handicap accessible?
Yes, Zion has an elevator which reaches all floors of the building. The handicap entrance is from the parking lot on the West side of the building. The parking lot has a few handicap parking spots.
What should I wear?
Dress in the way that makes you feel comfortable. People at Zion dress in different ways, from jeans to suits and ties, but most of the congregation tends to lean toward business casual side.
What if I've never been to worship before?
We give out an easy to follow bulletin that will contain the liturgy and refer you to page numbers in our worship books for the hymns. If you get lost, don’t be afraid to ask someone near you what’s going on. They will be glad to help. We would also love it if you signed the visitor’s book!
What worship book do you use?
At Zion, we mostly use the current red primary ELCA liturgical and worship guidebook and hymnal, called Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW). We occasionally use the blue hymnal, called With One Voice.
Can I take communion at Zion?
Yes! As Christ welcomed everyone to eat with him, we welcome all baptized Christians, regardless of denomination, to take communion at Zion.
How is communion administered?
We share communion every week at Zion. At both services, there are communion cups for each individual to pick up from the front pew. The pastor will place the bread in your hand and the Assisting Minister will pour from the chalice to each individual cup.
Do you offer grape juice for people who cannot drink wine for health reasons?
No, but feel free to take only the bread. Martin Luther held to the church's longstanding teaching of "concomitance," that is, that Christ is fully present in each of the elements, so you will not receive less than the full sacrament by receiving only the bread.
Do children take communion?
Children are welcomed to the communion table just as others are. Children may receive a blessing from the pastor if they are not yet communing.
Does Zion provide home communion?
Zion has eucharistic ministers available to provide in home communion for anyone who cannot attend church in person. If you would like a eucharistic minister to bring this important sacrament to you please contact Kevin Huston at 724-349-4208.
Do you have a nursery for small children?
A Cry Room is now available downstairs in the Social Hall for families or individuals who find a need to leave the nave during worship. There is a speaker in the middle classroom on the south side of the Social Hall; you will be able to hear the service from there.
Why does the congregation face the procession through the sanctuary at the beginning and end of the service?
We are actually following the cross which leads the procession. This is symbolic of our following the Cross of Jesus Christ throughout our Christian life.
What is the purpose of the offering?
Giving to the church is a spiritual discipline. It is a solid way that we show thanks and share our lives with God. The congregation uses these gifts in order to support all facets of our ministry. Members and regular attenders are encouraged to give what they are able. If you are a visitor, you do not need to give. No one will think any less of you!
Does Zion have outreach ministries to the community?
Yes. Zion has a Eucharistic ministry that takes the body and blood of Christ to members of Zion who are shut-ins, home-bound, hospitalized, or residents of nursing homes. Zion is also a key player in the community’s Back to School Bash.
What if I want to be baptized?
As a Lutheran Congregation, we baptize people of all ages: from infants to senior citizens and all in between. If you want to be baptized or you want your child to be baptized, contact the Church office.
How do I become a member?
If you have been coming to worship regularly and want to become a member, mark it on the sign-in card that are at the ends of the pew or contact the church office.
Does Zion have a parsonage?
No. The parsonage used to be on the lot just South of the Church building. It has however been torn down and replaced with a green space.